Tuesday 11 October 2011

codes and conventions

 Codes and Conventions

  • Code - when a technical is used to create a certain afect, avoke emotion, convey information. For example in horror, the  thunder is used to make the characther feel scared or they are running away.
  • Convention - What we expect in a specific genre. For example in a comedy we expect soundtrack of audience laughter . we also recognise the opening theme tune.each of these conventions is a tried and tested mechanism and has specific function and effect. we expect audience laughter in the soundtrack as its a comedy.

  • Western 
Camera - longshot of the cowboys beause it shows lonliness that theres only one cowboy.
Sound- bongo instrument
Miese-en-scen - tumbleweethes in the desert to show lonliness in the desert.
editing -cross cutting when two cowboys are about to fight, they also show a cross cutting of the two gunns to show that the cowboys are armed and they are about to fight.
  • Space &sci fi
Camera - alien subtitle to show that the alien speaks in a different language and lives in a different plannet
Sound - futerestic soundtrack to show its in a sci fi setting
Miese-en-scene - technological set
Editing - cross cutting of where the aliens is and going to
  • Adventure
Camera -tracking shot of a person running away
Sound - the effect of explosian.
Miese-en-scene - people always having guns to fight
Editing -bright lighting to show good and evil

1 comment:

  1. Material is reasonably well presented in your Media weblog with some good use of graphics to identify genres visually. As a development here, you could try to employ an online media tool such as Prezi to present your work. This would allow you to annotate graphics and integrate video in your analysis.

    Your paraphrasing of what is meant by the media specific terms “convention” and “code” is fairly good.

    You successfully list a number of conventions from each of the three genres you’ve chosen to explore, western, space and sci-fi, adventure. Within this listing of conventions you begin to suggest how some might work as codes. You need to distinguish more clearly between conventions and codes. First list the conventions; then under a separate heading explore codes. The latter is a key area of development for you. Anchor yourself with a specific moving image extract and explore how technical elements such as CAMERA, SOUND, MISE-EN-SCÈNE, EDITING or SPECIAL EFFECTS (which may also be conventions of the genre) are used to: communicate with / manipulate / engage the audience; and lead the audience to understand / think / feel / expect certain things.

    A reasonable homework. D-
